Saturday, April 8, 2023


There was a time i was going through serious bully from one young boy in our community while growing up.

Whenever this boy sees me, he walks up to me, hit me, slaps me on most occasions before collecting all i had on me in edibles and materials.

I caused it anyways.
When we were in Primary school, there was a funny name they gave the boy whose real name is "Yemi," probably cause of the way he talks. So when we were in Primary school, i was part of those that really humiliated and frustrated the boy so bad that he goes behind the class room to cry out his eyes cause i never called him Yemi, instead, i encouraged all our school mates to call him by the funny name and we all mocked him seriously.

But then,we got to secondary school only for this young boy to have developed a big stature andmuscles around his body, good enough to intimidate all his primary school foes.
I couldn't tell anyone at home that i was going through this annoying humiliation fromthat charcoal-black fat boy.

Whenever i saw him, i became humble to the core. I will carry this kind of pity look sothe boy could pity me and let me go, but this boy has got no conscience at all.

One day, i was only playing with one of my Mom's fashion rings and just then, she calledout to me, i quickly kept the ring in my pocket. She actually wanted me and myyounger Sister, Adebimpe Pearl to check on a colleague for her and actually this bully's house was closeto where she was sending us to.

As we were approaching the place, i saw Yemi walking up to us with a very dangeroussassy smile on his face and with that smile, i could tell what i was in for.
I was still carrying the same face cause my younger sister was with me and i neverwanted her to know what was going on, but deep down my heart... Oh God! I wastrembling.

I carried a fake bold face that evening and frowned seriously at this bully of mine as hewalked towards us, warning me not to move further from where i was, but with onemind, i dared to ignore his warning cause my sister was there.

Yemi got to us and poked me on my forehead, pushing my head backwards, but iwanted to be a strong brother to my younger sister (smiles) so i protested, even though iwas feeling like a dead meat already cause if the boy should initiate a fight, i don't havethe power, physique, nerves and courage to wrestle with him.

As he was trying to start up a fight, i unconsciously got my hand into my pocket andbrought it back only for my dear bully to move backwards and then started running awayfrom me.

I was kinda amazed.
What could have set me free from this boy today?
What a miracle!
Just then, i heard him saying in Yoruba language "you want to use a diabolic ring onme" (o fe gba mi l'oruka)

The boy took to his heels while i was trying to move closer to him to be sure i was reallyexperiencing that event turnaround.

I looked at my hand truly and i saw Mom's fashion ring that i forgot in my pocket,dazzling on my finger innocently.

Since that day, wherever Yemi sees me, he comes to greet me specially.
In fact, he paid homage to me anytime he comes to my area and i took advantage of the situation and see myself asking him to do certain things for me whichhe would quickly carry out diligently.

What kind of situation is it that seem too frustrating?
You have been facing serious confrontation and you feel as though defeated andbroken.

Most times, you don't even know what to believe. Your head keeps blasting hurt like atruck's horn had been installed there.
You feel bowing down in shame and kissing the dust is the final end point?
No! No!!

Most times, our challenges are not really as strong as we view them.
Some of them are only waiting for minor actions from us.
Some are even blessings in disguise.

Don't just play "loser" by sitting down there.
Confront your confrontations.
Look straight at those challenges and be ready to hold them under your control.
Most of them are really not as big as we see them. Just a minor action from us can clearup most difficulties.

The way out of the Red Sea is in the Red Sea.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Old Woman And Her Pot

An elderly woman had two large pots, each hung on
the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.

One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot
was perfect and always delivered a full portion of
water. At the end of the long walks from the stream
to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

For a full two years this went on daily, with the
woman bringing home only one and a half pots of
water.. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its
accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was
ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that
it could only do half of what it had been made to do.

After two years of what it perceived to be bitter
failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream.
'I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my
side causes water to leak out all the way back to
your house.'

The old woman smiled, 'Did you notice that there are
flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other
pot's side?' 'That's because I have always known
about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your
side of the path, and every day while we walk back,
you water them.' For two years I have been able to
pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table.

Without you being just the way you are, there would
not be this beauty to grace the house.'

*Moral of the story:*
Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the
cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives
together so very interesting and rewarding. You've
just got to take each person for what they are and
look for the good in them.


Top 10 Sites for your career
1. Linkedin
2. Indeed
3. Naukri
4. Monster
5. JobBait
6. Careercloud
7. Dice
8. CareerBuilder
9. Jibberjobber
10. Glassdoor

10 Tech Skills in demand

1. Machine Learning
2. Mobile Development
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1. Coursera
2. edX
3. Khan Academy
4. Udemy
5. iTunesU Free Courses
6. MIT OpenCourseWare
7. Stanford Online
8. Codecademy
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10 Sites to learn Excel for free

1. Microsoft Excel Help Center
2. Excel Exposure
3. Chandoo
4. Excel Central
5. Contextures
6. Excel Hero b.
7. Mr. Excel
8. Improve Your Excel
9. Excel Easy
10. Excel Jet

10 Sites to review your resume for free

1. Zety Resume Builder
2. Resumonk
3. Resume dot com
4. VisualCV
5. Cvmaker
6. ResumUP
7. Resume Genius
8. Resumebuilder
9. Resume Baking
10. Enhancy

10 Sites for Interview Preparation

1. Ambitionbox
2. AceThelnterview
3. Geeksforgeeks
4. Leetcode
5. Gainlo
6. Careercup
7. Codercareer
8. InterviewUp
9. InterviewBest
10. Indiabix

Keep Taking Positive Steps 🙏🏿

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Thought of mine

I like to share some of my thoughts. 

I remember growing up, I was exposed to a certain  lifestyle, I enjoyed it and lived  it. As I Grew older I began to assess the lifestyle and see if it was right. After my assessment, I realized the lifestyle wasn’t harmful, was right but not realistic. 

A lifestyle that portrayed the best ways to live, but wasn’t yielding result. So I switched it a little bit. I began to change my mindset. My lifestyle has to yield result positively to be the right way to live. 

Learning from others mistake, not mine is a bold step people don’t wanna take because the stakes are high. 

One thing I want my generation or the ones coming after me to be: is to be realistic. Have your bars high but be realistic. Season  upon season assess your lifestyle and make sure it is right.

Because when it’s right and yielding positive result ; it is of GOD! 

#Blessings #thoughts

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Help of Helpless

I met a Church Brother recently,...
asking me to "help him have a future." Very funny to me cause i noticed he uses an iPhone 11pro.max, but he appeared somehow rough and hungry. .
I looked at him and told him "My Brother, you don't need help; Your future is in your hand"

You can't remain in the Church or Mosque, praying for God's blessings and expect a turnaround.
Nothing changes around you without first changing from within you.

It is gross laziness and ignorance when you keep praying for breakthrough and you don't work for it. Let no Pastor or Imam deceive you. The bible says  God is going to bless the works of your hands. I have been there! dont die poor!

This Generation needs to wake up and stop covering Reality with Spirituality.
Hope you gat me right 

Monday, March 27, 2023


1.The trader who removes 2 bowls of rice from the bag, repackages, and sells as a 'full' bag is complaining about the wickedness in Nigeria.

2.The lecturer who insists on sex for a young girl to pass is complaining about the rot in Nigeria.

3.The Pastor who pays his driver 15K in Lagos or Abuja while his son schools in the USA is complaining about the hopelessness in Nigeria. 

4. The Mallam (Local Islamic school teachers) who send other people's children to go and beg in the name of Almajiri and bring the money
to him on oath so that he will take care of his family while the Almajiri's are looking like slaves is complaining that Nigerian leaders don't know God. 

5.The civil servant who comes to work once a week and shows up at the end of the month to receive full salary and kickbacks is complaining about politicians who do nothing.

6.The student who spends the whole weekend at the party after party only to start posting Instagram pictures on Monday is complaining that Nigeria is stealing his/her dreams.

7.The "VIP driver" who can't join a simple queue but keeps overlapping in and out of traffic to shunt is complaining about disorderliness in Nigeria.

8.Doctors in public and teaching hospitals on the government payroll who abandon patients on the floor but are thriving in their private hospitals are complaining that Nigeria is hopeless.

9. The officer who sees 'roger' as his/her birthright and keeps on complaining that our leaders are evil and therefore Nigeria is doomed. 

10. The members who diverts the money and property of his/her organisation for personal use is complaining about bad leadership in Nigeria.

1. Until we realize that the value of Nigeria today is the average of our values, we will keep fooling ourselves.

We are all architects of our social and economic development woes.

Stop the blame game. CHANGE begins with YOU.

Our attitudes and unpatriotic behaviors should stop.
BE the CHANGE you want to SEE!

A gratitude heart

A boy was standing, barefoot, in front of a shoe store shivering with cold. A lady came up and said:

"My little friend, what are you looking with such interest in that window?"

He replied, "I'm asking God to give me a pair of shoes."

The lady took him by the hand and led him into the store and asked a clerk for half a dozen pairs of socks for the child and a pair of shoes. She asked if she could lend her a tub of water and a towel and led the boy to the back of the store. She lovingly began to wash the child's feet and dried them, then put on his socks and shoes. She patted the boy on the head and said:

"There is no doubt little friend that you feel more comfortable now!".

As she turned to leave, the boy, very happy, caught up with her and took her by the hand, looking at her with tears in her eyes, he asked:

"Are you the wife of God?

The Lady replied:

*" ""No, I'm just a grateful woman with what he has given me,"".❤️"*......................# _GRATITTUDE IS_ _ATTITUDE_🥰

Live no man's life