1.The trader who removes 2 bowls of rice from the bag, repackages, and sells as a 'full' bag is complaining about the wickedness in Nigeria.
2.The lecturer who insists on sex for a young girl to pass is complaining about the rot in Nigeria.
3.The Pastor who pays his driver 15K in Lagos or Abuja while his son schools in the USA is complaining about the hopelessness in Nigeria.
4. The Mallam (Local Islamic school teachers) who send other people's children to go and beg in the name of Almajiri and bring the money
to him on oath so that he will take care of his family while the Almajiri's are looking like slaves is complaining that Nigerian leaders don't know God.
5.The civil servant who comes to work once a week and shows up at the end of the month to receive full salary and kickbacks is complaining about politicians who do nothing.
6.The student who spends the whole weekend at the party after party only to start posting Instagram pictures on Monday is complaining that Nigeria is stealing his/her dreams.
7.The "VIP driver" who can't join a simple queue but keeps overlapping in and out of traffic to shunt is complaining about disorderliness in Nigeria.
8.Doctors in public and teaching hospitals on the government payroll who abandon patients on the floor but are thriving in their private hospitals are complaining that Nigeria is hopeless.
9. The officer who sees 'roger' as his/her birthright and keeps on complaining that our leaders are evil and therefore Nigeria is doomed.
10. The members who diverts the money and property of his/her organisation for personal use is complaining about bad leadership in Nigeria.
1. Until we realize that the value of Nigeria today is the average of our values, we will keep fooling ourselves.
We are all architects of our social and economic development woes.
Stop the blame game. CHANGE begins with YOU.
Our attitudes and unpatriotic behaviors should stop.
BE the CHANGE you want to SEE!
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