Tuesday, October 13, 2020



When you have a bright and compelling future relationship vision, your relationship will not just survive, rather it will thrive.


Love and Relationship. 
In this seminar we’ll share with you the secrets of attraction and selection including the chemistry of love. If you are single, or in a relationship understanding the secrets of successful couples will help you move toward true relationship fulfilment. Furthermore, we’ll share tools to identify those subtle and deceptive road blocks that may be holding you back and help you to heal past hurts.

If you are not in a relationship…
Do you want to know how to attract the perfect person into my life?
Do you want to know how to heal past relationship hurt?
Do you want to know when to listen to your head and when to listen to your heart?
Do you want to know how to deal with your fear of rejection or fear of intimacy?
Do you want to know how to stop pushing people away?
Do you want to build rapport with others faster?
Do you want more confidence for the dating world?
How can you establish a deep relationship in such a shallow dating marketplace?

If you are in a relationship…
Do you want to be in or keep your relationship or marriage moving forward?
Have you asked yourself, “We’re healed (or almost healed), but now what?
Is your relationship OK, but you’d like it to be better?
Could your sex life be better?
Is there a need for greater freedom to really be yourself?
Would you like more romance, adventure and fun?
Do you want to make your relationship more enjoyable? Fulfilling? Exciting?
Have you lost control of your time?
Do you feel second to _____________ in your spouse’s life?
Do you want to be sure you have an affair proof relationship?

If you answered yes, to 2 or more of the above questions then AccessWorld seminars can help you by providing coaching, mentoring and seminars that address these things and more.

Everyone needs to be proactive about making their relationship stronger, before the pressures of daily life and misunderstandings slowly creep in and steal away the love, connection, closeness, warmth, respect, romance and excitement you once had. If you are single these tools can be applied in the dating and courting stages, to secure a strong foundation on which to build.

Through the seminars and workshops you will receive information on- 
• Traditional model of change vs the accelerated NLP model of change.
• How to shift and improve your identity using NLP.
• Using elevated emotional states to transform your relationship.
• How to create a Relationship Vision.
• The three resistors that will inhibit love and passion.
• Creating positive relationship anchors.
• The three components of consummate love.
• The 6 types of intimate personal relationships.
• The 5 levels of deep communication. 
• Creating Focus on love language needs.
• The 3 needs of the masculine and 3 needs of the Feminine.
• Generating more laughter and fun. 
• More real stuff, like tools to make your sex life what you want it to be
• Conflict Management & Problem-Solving Skills
• About overcoming anger, resentment, & emotional abuse
• Forgiveness and the healing power of gratitude – where are you at?
• Physical healing and health.
• How to create an affair proof marriage
• And much more!

Seminars are packed with in deep content, practical tools to improve relationships, plus surprises and a learning experience you’ll never forget.
we guarantee it.
Come and participate fully in all sessions, and if at the conclusion of the weekend, you do not feel these concepts will improve your marriage/relationship or help you to decided what type of relationship that you want to create in the future, we will gladly refund your money.

Love is not a good idea, it is a need.  Everyone wants love, yet most people settle for connection. 

When you attend the seminar, you will discover more about yourself.  You will discover what controls and shapes your behaviour, values, beliefs, and how to change it.  You will discover the pathways of change and what is needed to make real and lasting change. 

When you apply this to your relationship, your unconscious mind and your conscious mind can be in complete harmony or congruence.  Get better results in your relationships through neurological re-patterning

Interview/Seminar Topics:

  • Waiting Too Long? Dealing with Anger with God
  • Doing All the Right Things but Still Single? Why?
  • Why Do You Keep Attracting the Wrong Person?
  • A Father’s Love and How It Affects Your Relationships
  • Healing Relationship Wounds
  • Feeling like a Holiday Outcast? How To Cope
  • What I’ve Learned About Singles from Married Couples
  • How to Know If He or She is THE ONE
  • What Women Need to Know About Men
  • Emotional Dating and Setting Boundaries
  • Self-Worth v. Self-Worship
  • Why If You Aren’t Content Being Single, You Won’t Be Content Married
  • Sex Before Marriage and How it Affects Your Marriage
  • Overcoming the Fear or Shame of Being Single

SINGLES SEMINAR TOPICS (not dating, dating, engaged, never married, divorcees,
& single parents):

  • I Can Be Single, Complete, & Content – Really?
  • When God Isn’t Enough
  • Healing A Broken Heart
  • “I’ve Been Lonely Too Long”
  • Relationships with the Opposite Sex That Work: Friendships
  • Singles’ Issues & Thoughts
  • God Is Really Into Sex!
  • Taking Some of the BLuR Out of Dating
  • Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right (for singles)
  • Cultivating a Dating or Marriage Relationship That Lasts
  • What the Church Can Do for Singles (Never Married & Divorcees)
  • Communicating with God
  • Communicating with Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Five Love Languages)
  • Forgiveness & Letting Go (includes Five Languages of Apology)
  • Correctly Handling Conflict Increases Closeness in Relationships
  • The Kiss of Death—the Secret Sin of Pornography
  • Affair-Proofing Your Marriage
  • Why God Hates Divorce (God Does Not Hate Divorced People)

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