Saturday, September 23, 2023


Mr. Peter had a job interview to attend at 10am but his wife developed complications at 9am. He decided to take the wife to the hospital and leave for the interview thereafter but on their way to the hospital, the taxi broke down. It was already 10:30am before he could get another taxi.
He arrived the hospital at 11am, dropped the wife and used the same taxi to go for the interview. He arrived the interview venue at 12noon(2hours late).
He rang the bell but no one opened the door. Meanwhile, earlier at 10am, the company mail delivery had rang the bell but no one opened the door too. When the door was finally opened, Mr. Peter said "I'm sorry, I came... " he wanted to apologise for coming late, but the Secretary interrupted before he could finish his statement and ushered him to the Board Room. The Secretary said, "I apologise, Mr. Peter, for keeping you waiting since 10am. We actually heard when the bell rang at 10am but we were held up in a meeting with our company suppliers.
However, we have sat since 8am to deliberate on your job specification, your office and the salary."
Mr. Peter was baffled and said, "Ma'am, I haven't been interviewed yet’’. The MD answered him and said, "We decided not to conduct the interview at least to save time and also save the interviewees money on transport. So we looked at the papers for the most appropriate person we wanted and we opted for you. Also, we had tested your patience this morning by keeping you waiting intentionally for 2hrs. That's part of your interview. You won't be disappointed. You’ll be shown your office, your secretary and the
driver assigned to drive your company's allotted vehicle. You’ll be on probation for 2yrs."
He got the job!!!
On his way out, his phone rang and it was the wife. She said, "honey, I was delivered of a bouncing baby boy." It was their fifth child and the only male child. He immediately named the child 'Miracle'.
He got a double miracle same day. All the disappointments turned out to favour ni o.. 


Zara is a very pretty lady who is known in their community because of her beauty. She got married to a ghost because she was so curious to get a very handsome man. 

It's the festival period and every maiden in the village were preparing for the festival.
The period is always mainly time that maidens usually get married.

Zara was seen preparing and getting her accessories ready in other to attract a very handsome guy whose known to be the prince of their kingdom. She went to market and bought a lot of clothes and shoes.

She was accompanied by her closed friend and something strange happened on their way back from market.

While they were gisting and laughing, a strange being appeared and was only visible to Zara. Her friend was very confused and worried as she was not seeing the person Zara was discussing with yet she saw her talking aloud.

He started a conversation with her and the strange being described himself as "POWER" He promised Zara that he would help her get the prince attention only if she will agree to the terms and conditions.

Out of curiosity Zara dismissed her friend and followed POWER to a nearby hut where he would be telling her everything he needs to do to get the prince.

The festival and chosing of the maiden for prince is in 4 days time.

Next episode droppingt soon

Wedding ceremony

I'm still grateful to God for a failed marriage. 

Who knows?, I may have been battling with frustration by now. 

I remember the day mama came to visit my aunt along with the picture of her son, Harrison, who resided in overseas. She said he had asked her to get him a wife from the village. 

I was delighted when she mentioned my name. The guy was handsome, tall, huge and to crown it all, he has money!. What more could a woman pray for in a man?

"Hannah would make a good wife for my son... she is hardworking, educated and most importantly, beautiful. My son loves beautiful women oo". She had said.

On my way  to work the next morning, I dropped by a studio to take a picture of me. I made sure it was a perfect shot.

The picture was  forwarded to Harry that evening.

Mama came to the house the next morning to announce that Harry loved what he saw. 

I was happy. One of my dreams was about coming to reality. I think oversea will favor my carreer. I heard there are better opportunities for nurses out there.

He sent money through his younger brother, Gideon who resided in town and my marriage rite was performed without delay. 

Gideon stood in for him. 

My papers were delayed after Harrison called that he would be coming back soon. 

According to him, he needed to see his mom, spend some time with me in Nigeria and we would fly back together. 

The arrangements was okay by me, at least, I won't be bored in my first  flight.

I moved in with Gideon in town and was helping out in the family business.

I waited patiently for Harrison but he always come up with excuses. 

Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, then year.

I was getting impatient but Gideon would always be there with comforting words.

He finally came back two years after with a heartbreaking news. That I'm not his spec

"She is a beautiful girl, no doubt, but I love my women dark and plumpy'. He had confessed.

It was then that it dawned on me that I have been used. Gideon had once told me how mama had been the one pressuring Harrison to get married. 

He must had agreed to marrying me so the old woman would let him have peace.
No wonder he kept me waiting.

What kind of a man was he?, hurting one woman to impress another, playing with someone's feeling.

He made it clear that the only reason he came back was to start his marriage preparation  to the one he cherished, who was also staying overseas.

He later apologized to me for the inconveniences caused and offered me a huge amount of money. 

Yes, I was hurt, I wasted two years of my life waiting for a man who was busy playing games with his family, but I was not going to lose both sides. I took the money and moved on with my life. My aunt was there to comfort me.

From the money, I was able to better my life and that of my father's family.

I remarried a year later to a man who adored the ground I walked on. He is my best friend and I still wondered what my life could have been had I not met him.

I still thank God the first marriage was never meant to be.

Happy 10th anniversary to us.

The end

Jide sister and I

My friend Jide has warned me severally not to date his sister. But the truth is that I loved his sister.

And another thing is that, his sister kept coming. Even after I tried telling her what her brother said. I kept on seeing his sister. That was stupid of me. I know. But Love conquers all.

So earlier that day, after Jide's sister came visiting. We did couples play and what have you. But again. I was a bit scared. And told her we needed to take things slow because of her brother.

Jide was my man, but I still don't get why he doesn't want me around his sister, even when I once jokingly told him, I was going to marry his sister. The way he raised his voice at me that day got me frightened.

Jide, this is not how this things work ooo. I told Jide. But each time I told him about my feelings for his sister. He always told me that I was hungry, that if I eat; the feeling would disappear.

Jide's mother sells food and she was the best on Mr Williams Johnson street. So that day Jide's sister brought food for me. After eating and playing couples play and other fun things.

As Olivia Jide's sister was dressing up to go home. I heard a knock on my door.
Who is that? I asked just to be sure. Bro na Jide(Its Jide). Jide replied.

Cold moved from my head to my toes. At that moment I didn't know what to do. I thought he wasn't coming over to my house at that time.

You need to hide. I told Olivia without thinking twice.

Be ready for episode2



We had a neighbor that had stayed in our compound for two years. She seemed so quiet. The woman would leave her house early in the morning without greeting anyone including my parents and none of us had seen her going to church.

The compound was fenced and the houses were spacious with each having their own flats(one bedroom flat). The flats were up to eight in total.

Kindly follow my page Gift Sikufele Siisii 

People call her different names of which they said she gave herself.

Regardless of the number of times people preached for her, they all fell on deaf ears. The day I tried sharing the word of God to her she drove me off adding that I should better distance myself from her hence, deáth would be my calling.

That word alone got me thinking.

With the way the woman was behaving, everyone became so curious about her, seeing a grown up woman like that staying all alone wasn't normal at all except if something was hidden underground. She barely had visitors.

Some person's thoughts were

"Is she childless? Could she be barren? What about her friends and family members?"

Others were murmuring and gossiping about her. Seeing her weird behaviours, my parents warned me to stay away from her. Of course I told them I would heed their advice.
I was the type of person that always loves to dig into something that I found suspicious.

"There's something fishy about this woman. I'll get to the bottom of it. I'll look for a way to enter that her house that no one has entered." I told myself.

The day officially came. That day I closed from church on time because of her. The compound was scanty except for the woman that I sighted from our window sitting down on her verandah with hands placed on her cheeks. She was soliloquizing and smiling at the same time.

They restored power and I abruptly went to turn on the pump so that the two tanks could get filled up with water.

Not long, I saw her dressed on a red gown and leaving the house with her bag. I noticed she didn't lock the door. She just shut it and left, I decided to grip hold of that opportunity to dig out what she was hiding.

I trailed her till she left the gate before turning back. I observed the whole place and everyone was absent and majority of them were still in church.

I rushed to our verandah, pulled my palms and crept to her room door. I observed and no one was watching so I opened it, entered inside and shut the door behind me.

Inside the room was filled with sands giving the impression that it hadn't been swept for years. 

I trailed it to her room. Everywhere was filled with cobwebs and on top of her bed was a human skull tied with a dark material. I got frightened till my legs began to shake like a leaf. About five red candles were lit they were already half burned. The mattress was so filthy.

The smell oozing out from her room wasn't friendly at all.

I abruptly heard someone's sound and my heàrt flown out. Immediately I turned, I saw her standing there looking at me and speaking in a weird tongue. She had a visage that threatened more than a charging bull.

I retreated and accidentally slipped off, collapsing on the ground.

"What are you doing in my room!" She thundered furiously while drawing close.

Friday, September 22, 2023


I chose to take my time to really understand what is happening regarding Mohbad's death and it's so painful that majority of us only listen to beats and sounds in music but never pay attention to the lyrics.

Lyrics is what makes the music not just the sound and the beat. Those are just supporting team.

However, I listen to another version of his songs this morning title "Sorry" where he narrated the stories surrounding his life, saying...

This kind life e tire me
Daddy no get salary
Ten years I no see money
Step mother no care
Landlord e dey worry
My brothers are hungry
Daddy gather money make I go poly
I go poly but I no go class daddy I am sorry

The first part of the song talked about the hardship his parents are facing, the maltreatment of his step mother, the landlord threats, his brothers staying all days without food.

Trust me, all these are more than enough for anyone to be mislead and get involved in anything just to change the cause of their lives and that was exactly what Mohbad did.

In the second verse of the Lyrics, he went on to say that...

I don dey do Yahoo
I don dey chop banku
Omo pastor ti wonu aye

He just made it clear that even though he is a Pastor's son; all that is no longer matter as he had decided to be part of anything that can bring in money and eradicate poverty out of his family.

The third version of the lyrics hit hard on his parents and their failure as parents; saying

Mummy just dey pray
Daddy just dey pray for me
Make e better for me
Me I no go school
Only thing I fit do
Music me I choose

Some parents are nothing but total disgrace to humanity. And if you are a parent and you cannot pay closer attention to your children and be sure of the kind of friends they keep and the things they do, then you are nothing but a disgrace.

Praying for your children is never enough, wisdom demands that you get fully involves in their lives and be sure of what they are doing that requires your prayers, so that you don't end



1. Call him by a pet name

2. Allow him exercise his authority as the head of the family.

3. DO not challenge him when he is hurt.

4. Be silent when he is angry. You can go back to him in his sober moment with apology n explain why you behave that way that annoyed him.

5. Be quick to say "I'm sorry dear" when ever you offend him, insist on his forgiveness,appreciate and kiss him when he does.

6. Speak good of him before his Friends and siblings.

7. Honor his mother

8. Insist that he buys gift for his parents and so be sure that he will do same for your parents

9. Surprise him with his favorite dish especially when he has no money at hand and never delay his food.

10. Do not allow the maid to serve him food when you are at home. Because u may lose him to her.

11. Give him a warm reception with an embrace when he returns, collect his luggage and help undress him.

12. Smile when you look at him and give him occasional pecks when you are out socially.

13. Praise him before your children sometimes.

14. Wash his back while he is in the tub or shower.

15. Put love note in his lunch box or briefcase.

16. Phone and tell him that you miss him.

17. Dial his number and on hearing "hello" just tell him I love you.

18. If he is a public figure or a politician, gently wake him at the early hours of the morning and romance him to the point of demand. He will not be entice by any other woman that day.

19. Tell him how lucky you are to have him as your husband.

20. Give him a hug for no reason.

21. Appreciate God for the Adam of your life.

22. Always remember to pray for him.

23. Pray together and also pray together before going to bed in the evening... 

May God bless your marriages.  Singles may you experience true love today and forever. May non-serious people that will waste your time be disconnected in your life Amen.

Have A Blessed Day 🎈

Live no man's life