Friday, July 22, 2022


The Age Of Relationships

The story of four close friends, who studied in the same school up to Senior High School. At that time, there was only one luxury hotel in the city.After the O-Level exam, they decided that they should go to that hotel and have some tea and breakfast. The four of them could hardly collect twenty dollars. It was a Sunday and all four of them reached the hotel by bicycle at nine-thirty.

Tan, Lim, Wong, and Mah started talking while having breakfast and tea. All four of them decided unanimously, that they would meet again after 50 years in the same hotel on 1st of May.

"Till then we all should work very hard. It will be interesting to see how much progress has been made after 50 years," they discussed. 

It was also decided that the last one to reach the hotel then, would have to pay the bill for that day.

Ho, the waiter who served them tea and snacks, was listening to all this. He said, "If I stay here till then, I'll be waiting for you all."

Then,All four separated for further education.

Tan had left the city after his father got relocated, Lim went  for further studies, and  Wong and Mah got admission to different colleges in the country.

Eventually, Wong also left the country. Days,months, and years passed.

In fifty years, the city underwent a radical change. The population of the city increased, and roads, flyovers, and malls changed the appearance of the city.Now that hotel had become a five-star hotel, the waiter Ho had now become Mr. Ho, the owner of this hotel.  Fifty years later, on the scheduled date, May the 1st, at noon, a luxury car came to the door of the hotel.

Tan got out of the car and started walking towards the porch. He now owns three jewellery stores.

Tan reached the hotel owner Mr. Ho, and both of them kept looking at each other. Mr. Ho said, “Sir, Mr Mah had booked a table for you a month back.

 ”Tan was heartily happy that he was the first of the four, so he wouldn't have to pay the bill that day and would make fun of his friends for it.

After a while, Lim arrived. Lim has become a well known contractor of the city. For his age, he now looked like an old senior citizen.

Now, they both were talking and waiting for the other friends. The third friend, Wong also came in half an hour. On talking to him, both of them came to know that Wong was now a businessman. 

The three friends kept looking towards the door again and again, wondering when Mah would come. 

Soon, Mr. Ho came to them and said, "A message has come from Mah . He's asked you all to start with snacks, and he'll join you."

All three were happy to meet each other after fifty years, laughing and joking for hours, but Mah did not come.

 Mr. Ho said, "Mah has sent another message, you three should order your favourites from the menu and start eating."

The food was ordered, but even after they had finished eating, Mah did not show up. When the three asked for the bill, they were told that the bill has been paid online. At eight o'clock in the evening, a young man got down from the car and with a heavy heart reached the three friends preparing to leave the hotel. The three couldn't take their eyes off the man.

The young man said, "I am your friend's son Jackie Mah, my father's name is Mah. Dad had told me about your get together today, he was waiting for this day, but he passed away last month due to a long illness...

He had asked me to come late because if I had come early, it would have made you all sad. Dad had said, "My friends will not laugh if they come to know that I am not in this world, then they would lose the joy of meeting each other... I don't want that."

That's why he ordered me to come late. He also asked me to hug all of you on his behalf." Jackie Mah spread both his hands with watery eyes.,everyone around was eagerly watching this scene, they thought they had seen this young man somewhere. 

Jackie Mah said, "My father became a lecturer and gave me a good education. Today, I am the Governor of this city..."

Everyone was amazed, Mr. Ho said, "Now, it won't be after fifty years, but we will meet in our hotel every month, and each time there will be a grand party from my side...."

*Friends, keep meeting your loved ones, don't wait for any opportunity to meet someone, we never know when it's time to get separated and we may never get to meet again...

The journey of life is also like a train journey. When someone's station comes, they will have to be dropped off at that moment. Only few blurry memories would remain!

Stay with family, feel the joys of being alive..

Keep meeting your loved ones, not only on special days, but also on other occasions, and sometimes without any reason too. May the tree of our relationships be nourished by the water of love, for whom we do not have to wait for any reason or opportunity to meet.

Dear frien‏ds

"We must take time for the people around us and enjoy the beauty of life."


Tuesday, December 14, 2021


 Do you remember the historic football match between Nigeria and Brazil in Atlanta during Olympics Games in 1996? General Sani Abacha was the president of Nigeria, while Jo Bonfrere was the Chief Coach of the Dream Team, Nwankwo Kanu fully on ground as the Captain of the team.

Brazil was the king of global football and they knew it. So, Nigeria losing to Brazil that night would not be a big deal.

Gosh! Brazil dealt with us that night. Till around 77th minute (about 12 minutes to the end of the game) Brazil was obviously dominating the game. The score line was Brazil 3, Nigeria 1.

Despite the Brazil squad including star names such as Carlos, Rivaldo, Bebeto and Ronaldo, Nigerians watching the game still think Nigeria did not deserve such humiliation by Brazil boys, we had been beaten mercilessly. Nigerians became angry towards the end of the match; many had turned off their Television sets, some were shedding tears, while few hoped and prayed that we would not be further disgraced with yet another goal, but the unimaginable happened in the game.

At about 78th minute Victor Ikpeba stroked from 20 meters to score the second goal, everything changed beyond the 3:2 score line. Pressure came upon Brazil and hope for the Nigeria players, they became more motivated and began to fire shots from every angle.

Then another miracle, at the 90th minute, just before the final whistle, Kanu Nwankwo turned and flipped the ball over Dida and it was another goal, the equalizer.y

What a wonderful match?...

There was a rule then, “the Golden Goal Rule", the first team to score in the extra time wins the game.

Then came the decisive goal from Papilo in just 3 minutes into the extra time… And that was how the messy game became a message.

A lot can still be done this year to make it a glorious year, the remaining part of the year is sufficient to define the whole year.

Don't lose hope now. It is too early to give up on your beautiful expectations for 2021.  

It is not over until it is over, wipe off the tears and buckle your shoes.

In the remaining days and weeks of this year, try to;


🔹Re- strategize

🔹 Relaunch.

🔹 keep faith alive

🔹fire shots from all angles

Surely, you will win...

🔹Resist the pull of fatigue regardless of the past disappointments and delay.

 *He is a God of Miracles*

He will make things happen for you. *You will smile at last*🍾🥂🍷🌹🌺🌹

Monday, August 23, 2021


Lets take a look at this( friends).
And lets learn out of this.. 

When u chat wit ur galfriend lyk dis.... 
YOU: Hey
SHE: Hello 
YOU: Xup 
SHE: I'm fny and u? 
YOU: Gud 
SHE: Okay 

👆 There is another guy online going lyk dis.... 
GUY: Good morning beauty,😘 how is ur pretty self doing today? 
SHE: Lol.... Do u have to make me blush dis early morning? 
GUY: U deserve dat my bestie, u always luk more beautiful wen ever u blush 
SHE: Wow ...... Stop flattering me 

GUY: I'm not bby, is jxt dat i luv u and ur happiness matters to me... 
SHE: I'm in a relationship dear but de truth is dat u have a way of making me happy whenever i chat with you. 
GUY: u deserve to be happy, enjoy ur day my angel ,got to go naw,chat u later. 
SHE: Thanks sweetie,i will miss u online, can't wait to have u back online🙊 . . . 

U may think she's cheap to fall for a mere words,but that's how women were meant to be...... They like soft words from their spouse,give it to her and watch her melt in your arms The greatest mistake a man can make in a relationship is giving another man chance to make his woman happy Some guys can't even remember the last time they told their woman"BBY u are very beautiful " The highest they say is" Bby when are we going to see? ..... Bby wen are u coming to visit me? As if they are in the hospital ....
Learn to make ur partner special all days ✍️...

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Reshaping To Better Life

What do you think about this question..?
Do we find ourself or does our self get demolished? 
Do We make a living by what we get, or we make a life by what we get..
Let's read this article... 
It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves..
 While it is true,, most people never see or understand the difference they make, or sometimes only imagine their actions by having a tiny effect, every single action a person takes has far-reaching consequences.
When someone loves you, the way they talk about you is different. You feel safe and comfortable.. 
Look at me. You may think you see who I really am, but you'll never know me.

Look at this.. 
There is a time to speak up, and a time to be silent. A time to read and a time to write. A time to learn and a time to teach. A time to listen and time to be heard. A time to lose and a time to gain. And for all of these things the time in now..

Lemme tell you this...The world is a busy place filled with many busy businesses, both the Godly and the ungodly. It means before you go on to accept any activity or event that comes into the world, you must weigh its Values, examine the Virtues, listen to Views and then you give your Verdict. Satan is not wise; he is just crafty!

Don't complain about your life when you are the one who is handling it.Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting... It doesn't matter how many times you fall, what counts is how many times you stand up again.. .If there are no ups and down in your life It means you are dead.

Life is a matter of change is not a matter of choice...The worst part of life is that, you do not know what is coming up next.. 
Every new day is another chance to change your life... Decision defines destiny..
Its the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.

Enjoy Every Moment You Have.. 
Because In Life, There Are No Rewinds...Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning.

Thanks for reading.. 
Am still your your young boy 



Marriage is very enjoyable. But just as many factors are responsible for making it work, so also are many factors responsible for making it fail. One key that makes marriage work is called: CONTENTMENT.

What is contentment?

Simply put, an attitude of happiness and satisfaction. So a contented person is someone who is happy and satisfied (no matter the situation they find themselves in).

In the context of marriage, contentment means being happy and satisfied with your spouse for who they are,  and what they have.

Contentment is an attitude, and as we all know, our mindset to things must be a positive one. In a marriage, the two spouses are to be contented with themselves. Lack of contentment is the bane of many marriages today around the world.

Now let's see the areas contentment should displayed in marriage:

1. Religious beliefs
2. Ethnicity
3. Country of origin
4. Educational qualifications
5. Social and financial status
6. Physical outlook
7. Accommodation
8. Profession
9. Sexuality 

Contentment starts from the level of relationship. If satisfied with what one knows or sees about the other partner, then the relationship should graduate to marriage.

Sadly many people care less about the salient issues during courtship. Little or no attention is given to the things that matter so much to them. To most people, courtship is to be having fun and merriment alone.

When we were still dating and courting those days, my woman and I discussed real issues a lot. I am an Igbo man while she is a Yoruba lady. I asked how a few things about her tribe and culture. She did same with me. We were both satisfied with our answers. We talked about my accommodation. Those days I was living in a room and parlour apartment (popularly known as "face me and I will slap you"). She visited me there a few times and she was satisfied with it. Next we looked at my income then, she was also satisfied with it. Next was my profession, and she also expressed satisfaction about it. We got married a few years later I was still in those conditions, and her satisfaction didn't stop or wane. Two years into our marriage the condition changed a bit. I got another job with a little pay rise and we moved into a self-contained apartment. She was still satisfied with me.

Now hear this: contentment doesn't mean that you don't want more out of life. It simply means that you are happy and satisfied with what you have per time. As a newly wedded couple then, we lacked many things. We ate poorly made food (food not sumptuously garnished). We dressed poorly (we could not buy the trendy wears. In fact we didn't buy new clothes in years). The house we lived in was not in good shape. We only had one kitchen, one toilet and one bathroom for eight families to use). Sometimes to bath we queued, waiting for our turn. In that compound we had a bunch of irresponsible and troublesome fellows who were not cooperating on most issues, so every now and then there were heated arguments and sometimes fights in the compound.

Now here's why I am telling you all that: my wife is graduate and comes from a modest family. She lived in her parents' duplex. Yet she agreed to marry me under such very difficult conditions. She has been contented from day one in our marriage till now. May God bless her for her understanding of life and marriage.

Sometimes I wonder why some spouses decide to be a pain to the other partner in their marriage. Why would someone see and know what they are getting into and will get into it and start troubling the other person. That's is really unfair. Please stop it.

As a man, you like women with "big behind", busty, fair-complexioned. Why did you go for a "flat-behind", "tiny-breasted" and dark-complexioned woman as wife? Now you are not satisfied with her and keep hurting her in that marriage. Please stop torturing her, because it's all your fault. Yes, you heard me right!

Madam, you married a low income earner as a husband. Why do you insult and ridicule him every now and then because he doesn't have as much as other men you know have? Why the torture? Why didn't you marry those "big guys"?

My wife and I are very ambitious people. We like class and have taste for luxury. But since we didn't have what it takes to have the classy and luxury things of life, we exercised contentment. Never in our marriage has my wife has given me attitude because I didn't have. Never in our marriage has my wife denied me or deprived me of sex on account of her unmet needs or expectations. Never in our marriage did my wife ridicule in the presence of her family members because I couldn't give anything to her parents then. Rather, she was very contented, we were very contented. Today, we are still a very contented couple.

Dear friends, life is in phases and men are in sizes, hence the need for patience and contentment. Misery in marriage is not a product of lack of many things, but the lack of contentment. Please let's all develop contentment today, and see how happy and satisfied we will be in our respective marriages whether in plenty or in penury. Your best days are still ahead. 

Many thanks for the reading, commenting, liking and sharing.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Let's read attentively

                    *secret 1*

Everyone you marry has a weakness. Only God does not have a weakness. So if you focus on your spouse's weakness you can't get the best out of his/her strength.

            *Secret 2*

Everyone has a dark history. No one is an angel. When you get married or you want to get married, stop digging into someone's past. What matters most is the present life of your partner. Old things have passed away. Forgive and forget. Focus on the present and the future.

            *Secret 3*

Every marriage has its own challenges. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every good marriage has gone through its own test of blazing fire. True love proves in times of challenges.  Fight for your marriage. Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in times of need. Remember the vow: For better for worse. In sickness and in health be there.

              *Secret 4*

Every marriage has different levels of success. Don't compare your marriage with that of any one else. We can never be equal. Some will be far, some behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time your marriage dreams shall come true.

             *Secret 5*

To get married is declaring war. When you get married you must declare war against enemies of marriage. Some enemies of marriage are:
Third party influence 
Lack of love 
Cheating etc. 
Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.

             *Secret 6*

There is no perfect marriage. There is no ready - made marriage. Marriage is hard work. Volunteer yourself to work daily on it. Marriage is like a car that needs proper maintenance and proper service. If this is not done it will break down somewhere exposing the owner to danger, or some unhealthy circumstances. Let us not be careless about our marriages. 

              *Secret 7*

God cannot give you a complete person you desire. He gives you the person in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould the person into what you desire. This can only be achieved through prayer, love and Patience

             *Secret 8*

Getting married is taking a huge risk. You can not predict what will happen in the future.  Situations may change so leave room for adjustments. Husband can lose his good job or you may fail to have babies. All these require you to be prayerful otherwise you might divorce.

            *Secret 9*

Marriage is not a contract. It is  permanent. It needs total commitment. Love is the glue that sticks the couple together. Divorce starts in the mind and the devil feeds the mind. Never ever entertain thoughts of getting a divorce. Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married. God hates divorce.

            *Secret 10*

Every marriage has a price to pay. Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money that you deposit that you withdraw. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a candidate for a blissful home.

So today let us pray for our marriages. Pls Send this link your frienfs and family and to those you care about because  you never know who you may be helping. May God bless you all. Amen.

Author ... 
Olajuwon. A. Amos

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


12 Benefits of Honey - Advantages & Uses of Honey

Deemed as a top health food across the globe, Honey is a wonderful creation. Honey is among the most popular and widely used sweetener with enormous health benefits. It is used by several cultures around the world serving as a base for many traditional medicines, especially in Ayurveda. The health benefits and advantages of honey have been valued since ages.

Useful in weight Management

Did you know you can use Honey for Weight management? According to the famous author and nutritionist Mike McInnes, honey burns body fat even while when you are sleeping. It is one of the best foods for losing weight. Doctors recommend to have a spoonful of honey before going to bed. You can also consume a little honey with warm water on empty stomach early in the morning. Having it first thing in the morning, helps increase the metabolism, which in turn helps reduce weight faster. Honey is also good for improving your overall health.

Strengthens Immune system

Honey has countless medicinal properties that naturally help in curing a sore throat. Its antioxidants and bacteria-fighting assets also help against fighting infections that are caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. According to doctors and scientists, buckwheat honey has the highest number of antioxidants and when consumed daily can be beneficial for boosting immunity in the long run and this is why honey has known to be one of the best immunity boosting foods. It is always advisable to consume honey every morning before breakfast or even workout to get an extra kick of energy for the whole day. It also works as a cleansing toner which improves immunity in children.

Nourishes your skin and face

Using Honey for skin is very useful because of its moisturizing and nourishing properties. Honey is the best natural moisturizer, especially for your dry skin and it is also very easy to apply. Raw honey not onlyunclogs pores but it also helps moisturize parched skin. It also helps curing cracked lips during winters. Many people also use honey masks for skin tone correction. Also being a natural antiseptic, it is useful for treatment of wounds, bruises, cuts, burns and other infections. Learn more about how honey can be used as one of the effective home remedies for glowing skin.

Boosts your memory

We are what we eat and hence it is very important to consume foods that help make our mental health strong to sustain in old age. Honey, the eternal sweetener has numerous health benefits, one of which includes boosting memory and concentration. Honey not only increases brain power and memory but also makes you a healthier person altogether. Consumption of honey prevents metabolic stress and helps calm and soothe the brain, which helps in augmenting memory in the long run. The natural antioxidants and therapeutic properties in honey help in boosting brains’ cholinergic system and circulation and receding cells that cause memory loss.

Home Remedy for Cough

Honey is known to be one of the best home remedies for dry cough as well as wet cough. Research has also shown that drinking a tablespoon of honey can reduce irritation in the throat. Honey is the preferred natural remedy for cough, especially for kids, as it helps to relieve nocturnal cough, allowing proper sleep.

Natural home remedy for Dandruff

Do you know how beneficial honey for hair can be? Honey is one of the best natural home remedies for dandruff. It not only provides nourishment to dry hair but it also gives you smooth and soft hair. You can also use honey and lavender with green tea to prevent hair fall. All you need to do is mix 2 tablespoons of Dabur Honey with equal amount of vegetable oil and apply it on your hair. Keep this hair mask on for 15 minutes, and then rinse it off before you shampoo.

Used for Healing Wounds

Honey has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties, which is why honey is used for healing wounds. After any skin injury, bacteria that live on your skin can infect and penetrate the wound site. Honey, has been found to destroy these bacteria.

Acts as a Natural Sleeping Aid

Having trouble falling asleep? You should try drinking this beverage made of warm milk and honey just before you sleep. For centuries, people have used this drink to help them sleep. This beverage is fairly easy to make. All you need to do is add a teaspoon of Dabur Honey into a glass of hot milk, or add 1 or 2 teaspoons of Dabur Honey to a cup of chamomile tea and sip to induce sleep.

Eases sinus issues

With increasing pollution and dust many people these days suffer from sinus related issues. Sinuses are small cavities in the skull that produce mucus to guard the respiratory system from allergies and infections. When we suffer from infections the viruses block the sinus, traps the air and mucus which causes distress. Honey on the other hand is a natural anti-bacterium and anti-septic that helps to clear the infections and reduce inflammations. Honey also soothes throat and reduces coughs and strengthens the immune system thereby causing less sinus attacks.

Helps with gum diseases

Honey’s anti-bacterial and infection healing properties help in treating and healing wounds. Teeth and gum diseases like gingivitis, bleeding and plaque can be treated to a great extent with the regular use of honey. Honey is known to release antiseptic hydrogen peroxide which acts as anti-microbial agent that prevents the growth of bacteria. Experts’ advice the use of raw honey mixed with water to be used as mouthwash. Also rubbing honey directly on affected gums gives instant relief from pain and inflammation and other periodontal diseases.

Natural Energy Drink

Honey is known as an excellent source of natural energy as the natural unprocessed sugar present in it enters the bloodstream directly and this in turn can give a quick boost of energy. This quick boost works like a wonder for your workout, especially in longer endurance exercises.

Prevents and helps control Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes red, itchy, flaky skin that causes discomfort. Usually, young children and teenagers suffer from eczema that can be treated with eczema. Those suffering can make a mixture of raw honey and cold-pressed olive oil and apply on the skin to get rid of the problem. Honey acts as a natural cleanser by removing dirt and making the skin smooth and soft. It can also be used for exfoliation of the skin by mixing it with oats in order to remove dead cells. Regular use of honey prevents eczema from occurring or coming back again.

Live no man's life