Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Mental & Physical Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument As A Gospel Artiste

Mental & Physical Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument

Overall Mental & Physical Benefits of Playing Instrument As A Gospel Artiste.

As a gospel music singer/minister, music is the main vehicle of conveying the message of the gospel and the benefits of playing a musical instrument can not be underestimated.

Music has created a huge impact on human history and the world we live in. With that, our beloved instruments have cultivated this art and continue to bring life to the sounds of today.

Each instrument has the power to contribute substantially to society and the individuals that play them. Whether they are brass, percussion, wind, string, bow, or plucked, all are of equal importance.

Did you know that playing instruments are even beneficial for your mental health and well-being as a gospel artiste?

Here Are A few Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument:

Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument As A Gospel Artiste1. Instruments serve as great stress-relievers! The sounds that you hear can soothe and calm your mind. Playing instruments also helps in uplifting your mood and in releasing negative energy! Violins are a great example of this, the soft melodies coming from the sound of a violin can help you focus and boost your energy.

2. Playing instruments aids in boosting your self-esteem and confidence! Since you will most likely be performing and ministering in front of groups of people or a large audience, you will learn to be more comfortable in your own skin.

3. Instruments are an amazing way to bond with people! You will be involved in communities where musicians, gospel ministers mingle, perform and pray with one another. It presents such a great opportunity to meet and collaborate with creatives and anointed ministers.

Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument4. Instruments can also be played in the comfort of your home. If you are looking to unwind and keep your spirits up after a long day at work or fellowship, jamming to instruments is an awesome way to do so!

5. You become brighter and analytical!Playing instruments requires reading and processing skills which in turn improves your memory. It practices your ability to analyze abstract concepts and encourages creativity.

6. Instruments also aid in improving your physicality. More than muscle memory, playing instruments exercises your body as well. It often requires a lot of upper body strength and finger movement thus strengthening your physicality.

7. It enforces self-discipline! It teaches an individual to habitually improve on oneself. Moreover, it instils the mentality that hard work is a prerequisite to success or achieving one’s goals.

8. Lastly, Understanding and playing a musical instrument helps you as a minister to navigate realms of the spirit and bringing down the presence of God as you minister and lead your audience in praise, worship and prayer.

Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument To Worship

In lieu of the Benefits of Playing An Instrument, it is definitely worth considering. If you are already an avid instrument lover, these reasons should keep you going on your wonderful journey as a musician and an artist/minister.

Not only does playing instruments improve your mental health, but it is also a fantastic way to improve your physicality and social skills. Your experience as a musician is bound to be rewarding and unlike any other.

Best of luck as you embark on your journey!


GOD IN NOT DEAF by - Olajuwon Adeshola


Ade tells himself, “God is deaf! I just completed a 21-days prayer and fasting. I have also waited for one month for the answer to my prayers. It still did not come through.”  Ade then decides to embark on a 42-day prayer and fasting since God didn’t hear him during the 21days so he thought that maybe if he doubles it, God will hear!

Have you ever been in Mr. Ade’s shoes? Have you ever been praying and fasting and practicing all the kingdom activities but yet it seems as though God is deaf? But does He actually hear?

When we call God “Omnipresent”- it means He is everywhere at all times.

When we call God “Omnipotent”– it means He has all the power both in Heaven and Earth.

When we call God “Omniscience”– it means He knows all things.

To think of it, how would a person who created the whole world not be Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscience?  Many times, people do not take time out to think about this God. We just imagine that if we press one or two spiritual buttons then we are sure to get what we want.

Jeremiah 1:5- “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee…” What does it means to know? God knew you before He even formedyou. That’s why He knows everything about you- right from the beginning of your life to the end. God deals with everyone individually.Someone might say that a person gave a testimony of how he prayed and fasted for a job for 70days and got it, so I would do the same. Have you ever considered that the way God designed that person’s life is different from the way He designed yours?

Mathew 6:7- “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions like the pagans for they think they will be heard because of their many words”. The Bible urges us to walk by faith and not by sight. As long as you are walking in the fear and love of God, then all things are working for your good. You do not need to keep repeating a particular prayer point for days, months and years. God heard you the first time you told Him. If He wanted to do it there and then, He would have done it. Be patient and submit to His time and purposefor your life..

God is not deaf that He cannot hear your prayers. He knows you and sees ahead of you. If what you are asking for is not yet in His agenda for the time being, then you may not receive it. He created the ears, so He cannotbe deaf. That thing you continually pray about would be delivered at the right time. “For the vision is for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie; though it tarries, wait for it because it will surely come…”- Habakkuk 2:3.

When the time comes for your deliverance, it will happen!

When the time comes for your miracle job, it will happen!

When the time comes for your marriage, it will happen!

When the time comes for whatever you are asking for, it will surely happen!

Take your requests to God and hold your peace, He will cause all things to work together for your good. Just take a quick look back at your life. Have you ever been chasing a particular thing for so long that when you finally get it, you realize that if you had gotten it much earlier, it would not have been advantageous?

God loves you. Believe that! God hears you. Believe that! Trust Him to take care of you. He did not love you because of anything you did. So take a deep breath, calm down, believe and relax in that assurance.

God bless you!   


Be Inspired: God Makes Everything Beautiful In His Time – Be Patient

Winning souls? I am doing that. Living righteously? I am doing that. Paying my tithes and offerings? I am doing that. Praying every day? I am doing that. Reading and meditating on the Word? I am doing that…What is it that am not doing? Stephen asks himself. I have been living from hand to mouth ever since I graduated from the university 5 years ago. It is not easy to make money in Nigeria oh! Or must I steal before I can be comfortable or my life beautiful?


Don’t you think that there is time for everything under the sun, just as Ecclesiastes said? Sometimes, it seems as if you have done and gotten everything right and the only question on your mind is – Why things are not still working the way you have planned them to be? It could get very frustrating as faith might begin to get lost. Depression, anger and stress will set in when expectations are shattered.


Is it wrong to have expectations? No. However, it is wrong to give up after expectations are not fulfilled. The world is bigger than we can see. God is bigger than we can imagine. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. God looks at the bigger picture for our lives while we are only limited to our 5 senses.

At times the things we think we need and want are not the things God wants for us at such particular time. So if our prayers are in line with Gods word and we do not receive answers from God, then God is saying to us to WAIT!

The Bible admonishes us to walk by faithand not by sight. It is important to believe God and trust in Him whether or not things work as we want.

The deep things belongs unto God. When He called Abraham the father of many nations, it took a while for that prophecy to come to pass.

Do not think that God favours some people and leaves some others. He is not partial but He is faithful and just to everyone on the surface of the earth.

A wise man illustrated the blessings of God to the division of the day – Morning, Afternoon and Night. He said that for some people, their blessings come in the morning; for some others, it comes in the afternoon while for some others, it comes in the Night.

Patience is the virtue we need to live in this world and walk with God. Our blessings will therefore come in His time. The assurance we have of this is; God loves us enough to give His son for us to redeem us off our sins, blessing us and meeting our needs is not a difficult task for God to accomplish.

Be encouraged and wait on God, He makes all things beautiful in His own time.

Live no man's life