Thursday, October 15, 2020

Christ Being the Mysterious


Of all the mysteries in God’s New Testament economy, the first of them is the mystery of God. The second half of Colossians 2:2 says, "The mystery of God, Christ." We can see that Jesus Christ is a mystery; He is not simple at all. I do not believe that we have exhausted all that the Bible speaks concerning Him. I believe that we have only covered a part. There are still many things which we do not understand. In spite of that, when we come together to fellowship and to talk about them, we will gradually be brought into understanding them.

Concerning God’s mystery, Christ, I have listed six points. First, Christ is the mysterious Word of God. Second, the Word became flesh. Third, He passed through human living. Fourth, He was crucified. Fifth, He resurrected. Sixth, He ascended. All these items that Christ has passed through are the mystery of God. Christ is the Word of God, and the Word is God Himself. As the Word becoming flesh, God became flesh and stayed with us. His living was God’s living. When men saw Him, they saw God. Then He died in the flesh and resurrected. He lived in His death. He was the grain of wheat that fell into the ground and died to produce many grains (John 12:24). He died and He lived. He lives through His dying, for He is life and He is God. Finally, He ascended. Concerning Christ, we have these six points: the Word of God, His becoming flesh, His passing through human living, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Christ in these mysterious aspects is the mystery of God.

Christ Being the Mysterious Word of God

Now let us follow the outline to consider the various aspects of the mysterious Christ of God point by point. First, He is the mysterious Word of God in eternity past. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In eternity past, before time began, Christ was the Word of God. It was divine thought that became constituted as an expression, which in turn became the Word that can be comprehended by man. The Word here is logos in Greek. It means an expression constituted by a thought, which is understood by man. Although our God cannot be seen in the universe, He is the Word that can be understood by man. By this Word His mysterious being is explained and expressed.

The Invisible Word of God
Becoming Visible Flesh

Second, the invisible Word of God became the visible flesh, which is Jesus Christ. His whole person is the embodiment of the Word of God. This is why the first Epistle of John begins with the Word of life which was there from the beginning and which was with the Father. It is that which we have heard, which we have seen with our own eyes, which we beheld, and which we have touched with our own hands. By becoming the flesh, this Word has become tangible and touchable. He is the mysterious God who was conceived of His Spirit and begotten in the womb of a human virgin (Matt. 1:20b). Then from this virgin’s womb, He was born with humanity to be the mysterious God-man, in whom both divinity and humanity are mingled. Originally, He was the mysterious God in eternity. Through His Spirit, He was first begotten in the virgin’s womb. Then after conception, He was born with humanity as a God-man in whom divinity and humanity are mingled. What was conceived was God. What came out was the God-man. The baby Jesus that was in the manger was the mysterious God-man in whom both divinity and humanity are mingled as one. This Jesus is Jehovah the Savior. Men shall call His name Emmanuel, which means God with us (Matt. 1:23). He is Jehovah God as our Savior and is also God with us.

When Christ became flesh, He put on human flesh (Heb. 2:14a) and partook of all that man is. Through this He brought His mysterious divinity into humanity, that is, He brought God into man. In this way, the mysterious fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily in this mysterious God-man (Col. 2:9). What is in Christ, the mysterious God-man, is not only divinity but also all the fullness of the Godhead, which is the expression of the riches of all that God is.

understanding mystery of God

Understanding the Mystery of God 
To Fulfill the Purpose of God

Many today desire to realize the purpose of their lives. Pastor Rick Warren capitalized on this by writing a book that has sold more than 50 million copies entitled “The Purpose-Driven Life”. Many believers in Christ are obsessed with understanding their purpose. This has resulted in millions of Christian books being sold related to this subject.

I propose in this teaching that a person cannot understand their individual purpose in life without first understanding and connecting to God’s overarching purpose as clearly shown in the New Testament.

Following will be a brief survey of Ephesians chapters 1-4.

I. Ephesians 1:9-12 states: “Having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth–in Him. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, that we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory.”

1. (1:9-10) God shows us that His mystery has been unveiled since the revelation of Christ to humanity.

A. In the fullness of time His overarching goal is to gather together in one all “things” in Christ–both which are in heaven and on earth.

B. Thus, the goal of God is not for believers to be saved and make it to heaven, but for the church to be the agent that brings the influence of the government of God, purely manifest in heaven, into the earth realm.

C. The fact that it says “things” in this passage means that God’s ultimate goal is that all of life would be under the rule and reign of Christ. That is to say politics, economics, family, education, the arts, music, theatre, literature, athletics, etc., are to be under the rule and reign of Christ.

D. The Bible is not a book about heaven; in fact it says very little about heaven. It is really a handbook about how to rule with Christ on the earth as His stewards in managing the planet.

2. (1:11) This is the inheritance of the saints.

A. While many in the church are praying to escape the earth and get raptured to heaven, the word of God teaches that our inheritance is connected to heaven coming onto the earth.
i. We pray for Christ to rescue us out of the world in spite of Jesus praying to keep us in the world (John 17:15).
ii. While many are trying to escape the earth and go to heaven, the Bible teaches us in Revelation 21:1-3 that heaven is gradually coming down to earth, as the influence of the Rider on the White Horse (Jesus) and His followers disciple the nations and bring His kingdom influence on the earth.

B. Our inheritance is not speaking in tongues and healing the sick; those are only signs that the Kingdom of God has come.

C. Our inheritance has to do with the kingdom influence of heaven coming to the earth.

D. He works all things according to the counsel of His will, which means that only those who preach the Kingdom of God and use the Bible as a blueprint to serve and bless communities will have God’s purpose working for them instead of against them.

3. (1:12) We will show the praise of His glory when we release the saints to serve as His ministers in every aspect of community life as a blessing to all humanity.

II. The Prayer of Paul for the Church (Ephesians 1:17-23): “That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.”

1. Ephesians 1:17-21: The inheritance of the church is connected to His rule over all spiritual and earthly rulers and authorities–not only angels and demons but presidents, prime ministers, governors, mayors, etc.

2. (1:22) The church is connected directly to Christ as its head, which means:

A. The church is connected to the brain of the cosmos. We should be the ones getting direct wisdom from heaven regarding God’s purpose on the earth.

B. The church should have the greatest leaders, statesmen, and problem solvers the world has ever seen since we are connected to the head and ruler of all decision makers and problem solvers of the earth. The universe is under His feet but the church is under His head. (We act more like we are under His feet when we think that God has no plan for our lives or our churches other than to have good Sunday services.)

3. (1:23; 2:9-10) We are the fullness of God.

A. This means that, when God wants something done, He works through the church to get it done. Where there is unbelief, poverty, sickness, or political and cultural problems in society, God places His people in those situations of need to be His salt and light to the world. (Jesus called us the salt and light of the earth, not the salt and light of Sunday church services!)

III. Ephesians 3:8-10: “To me, who am less than the least of all the saints, this grace was given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the ages has been hidden in God who created all things through Jesus Christ; to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places, according to the eternal purpose which He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

1. The church influences the spiritual archetypes before the physical world is transformed.

A. “Principality” in the original Greek is “arche” which has to do with the spiritual archetype behind the physical realities of the world. (The Greek word “arche” means: beginning, origin; the person or thing that commences, the first person or thing in a series, the leader; that by which anything begins to be, the origin, the active cause.

B. “Wisdom” in this passage is the Greek word “sofia” which means the wisdom of God as evinced in forming and executing counsels, the formation and government of the world, and the interpretation and application of the scriptures.

C. Consequently, because the church is connected to Christ as its head, we become the intermediary of the brain center of the world. We reveal the will of God and the wisdom of God on the earth. (First Peter 1:12 teaches us that even angels long to look into what we have in the gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit.)

D. This also refers to the reality that angels and demons respond and react to the things God calls the church to do on the earth. (Christians who think serving God only amounts to attending church on Sundays actually excite demons who want to control the earth realm and bore guardian angels who want some serious action but get nothing but prayers of grace over meals, prophecies, and people believing for nice houses and cars, then retiring to Florida.)

E. When the church intercedes for communities and cities we release angels and displace demons; when we place godly leaders in families, politics, the arts, education, and business we excite the angels who were made for battle and to protect the honor of God in the universe.

IV. Ephesians 4:10-12: “(He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)  And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

1. Christ rose from the dead and ascended to heaven that He might fill all things. When we say “things” Paul is connecting the “things” in the first chapter to this passage. “All things” means every spiritual and material thing that makes up the universe and society.

2. The whole reason for the ministry of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers is to equip the saints to minister.

A. The context demands that the word “ministry” include the filling of “all things” in 4:10. Thus, the fivefold ministry is given as a gift to the church to create the greatest mind molders, leaders, problem solvers, and decision makers that the world has ever seen. This is so Christ can fill up all things with His kingdom influence!

B. Fivefold ministers basically do two things: they fill up the world with kingdom-thinking leaders and people geared toward reformation, and they edify the church for a continual revival and renewal so this first point is continually fulfilled for generations.

C. This is another reason why the local church is the hope of the world.

D. This also shows that apostles are not only called to plant churches but to start kingdom revolutions that will redeem whole cities, disciple nations, and bless humanity until the new heaven and new earth fully descend out of heaven from God upon the earth!


The Mystery of a God Beyond All Comprehension

Is a god fully understandable and explainable according to the finite logic and world we inhabit, is that a god one can trust and truly believe?

This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God" (1 Cor. 1:4).

"So you believe in a Triune God? One plus one plus one is three isn't it?"

The question came from a Mormon missionary taking the lead for his bicycling duo. The other young man listened quietly to our brief exchange.

“Well it is three, but one times one times one, what is that? Do you want to compare math tricks or talk about God?" I replied.

I think about that exchange quite often, and usually, in the weeks leading up to Trinity Sunday when I'm supposed to explain the trinity for my congregation. Someone recently told me this is called "Curate Sunday" in the Anglican tradition because they like to have the junior clergyman preach and try to explain the Trinity so that the rest of the clergy can make fun of him for eventually falling into a heretical ditch of one sort or another. The Trinity is one of those mysteries that cannot be explained. It must be believed. The essence of God defies reason. Through the revealed Word of God, the mystery can be revealed, but never fully comprehended. And a person really has to ask themselves, is a god that can be grasped by sinful flesh, a god fully understandable and explainable according to the finite logic and world we inhabit, is that a god one can trust and truly believe? Or does such a god actually demand that we dismiss him or her? Isn’t a god nothing more than our equal, a god to be manipulated and abused in the same manner we manipulate and abuse others around us for our own advantage?

"Is a god fully understandable and explainable according to the finite logic and world we inhabit, is that a god one can trust and truly believe?

It's the trap we fall into when we try to make God comprehensible to us. A god who is comprehensible to us panders to our desires and soon becomes a god that has to entertain in order to command our attention or meet our most immediate needs in order to maintain our devotion. Worship of such a god ultimately leaves us empty because our felt needs are rarely anything more than distractions from the ultimate realities of sin, death and the devil that plague our existence.

So I think about this as I contemplate a chilling paragraph from Martin Lindstrom's book, Small Data. Lindstrom is a business consultant who analyses consumers on behalf of companies in order for them to better serve their customer base. He talks about the initial disaster of Euro Disney, and the large role religion and superstition played in turning the park around:

"After interviewing a selection of Euro Disney park-goers, I soon discovered that the 'missing magic' could, in fact, be distilled to an absence of transformation. I couldn't help but notice that this apparent flatness was coincident with a decrease in churchgoing across Europe. When I visited Catholic and Protestant churches in Germany, France and Italy, I came away convinced that what religion had historically given believers-faith, transformation—was no longer enough. In Europe, at least, parishioners made their way through church portals at around the same pace they strolled through a market or store. The fact of being in a sacred place no longer slowed people down, which meant that religion was no longer creating the necessary degree of embodied cognition, or space, for worship, or contemplation, or reverence. This insight—that a decline in churchgoing creates the need for other outlets to address the need for transformation—was what moved me to re-infuse superstition into the Euro Disney experience" (188-189).

As a theologian and a pastor, I would exchange his words of transformation and superstition with the word, mystery, and argue the Christian faith still has it by the bucket loads. Hermann Sasse, a theologian who has had more than a little influence on my ministry, expresses it this way:

"What is this mystery? It is for example, what the triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, has done and will do as the Creator, Reconciler and Sanctifier of the Word. 1 Timothy contains a perfect expression of this mystery as the focal point in one of the oldest hymns of the Church, where it is written, ‘Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness: He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory.’ (3:16) Yes, that is the mystery of all mysteries, the mystery of world history: God became flesh. That the eternal Word the eternal Father's eternal Son became flesh is truly a mystery, a mystery in the strict sense incomprehensible to reason" (Witness, 76).

This is a mystery that has occupied the greatest minds of the Western World, men such as Luther, Augustine and Aquinas, and yet also brings joy in the midst of hardship and suffering to the simplest of simpletons. God suffered this world of pain to secure eternal life for us sinners. The Son of Man conquered death, rose again and walked among us. The resurrected Lord began the eternal feast of heaven with his disciples in the upper room when he ate salted fish with them and showed off his battle scars.

"Yet this mystery is always restored when pastors reclaim their place as stewards of the mysteries of God and no longer explain away Baptism, ignore the Lord’s Supper, or forget the forgiveness of sins.

This is the mystery the world mocks, but it is the mystery the world also needs. It is the mystery too often lost even in the church. Too often, the mystery of the church is either trampled on or simply replaced by the likes of Disney “magic” like the make-believe pixie dust of Tinkerbell. Yet this mystery is always restored when pastors reclaim their place as stewards of the mysteries of God and no longer explain away Baptism, ignore the Lord's Supper, or forget the forgiveness of sins. In these means of grace is mystery, not symbol nor admonition. Here is where we will find the mystery of God's love for the loveless; a love that answers anxiety and restores joy and meaning to life. In God’s good work and good Word, we find His mystery beyond all comprehension.


Mysteries of God

Mysteries of God are spiritual truths known only by revelation. God reveals His mysteries to those who are obedient to the gospel. Some of God’s mysteries are yet to be revealed.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Relationship talk

Relationship Seminars

Over the past years we have held Relationship seminars. Below are several of the outline notes from these seminars.

  • Five questions that God asked man. 
    Adam and Eve hid behind the tree. They had heard the familiar sound of God. Unlike all other times they were not looking forward to meeting Him this evening. Explaining away their disobedience seemed too tedious a task.

  • Relationship seminar - Walking in love 
    God deals with weakness and wickedness differently. So should we.

  • Relationships - Communication 
    People love talking. But even talking comes second to being listened to. 90% of all problems people have can be taken care of if someone would just listen to them - John Sanford 

  • God made sex a bestseller 
    God made sex and no one can deny that it is a best seller. Pity He forget to put copyright on it. He would have made trillions by now.

  • Before taking the plunge 
    You think you have found the right person to marry. You have both known each other for a considerable length of time. You are fairly confident you know all you need to about your partner and you are sure you are in love.

  • Family life - bringing up children 
    Our children do not come with "how to handle manuals" and many parents find themselves learning on the job without a clue on what to do.

  • The place of man and woman in the home 
    Marriage was God's idea. Woman was taken from the ribs of man. Not from his feet, because God never intended for her to be walked all over, nor from his head because the woman was not made to look down or boss the man about.

  • The place of man and woman in the creation 
    God's place for man and woman in creation is exacly the same; to subdue it, to excel in the spiritual and secular realm. God sees us as mankind not as men and women. Nevertheless, just like Pastors and members of a congregation are equal before God yet ha

  • Dealing with conflicts 
    Remember: conflict never solves itself. Five levels of conflict and how to resolve them

  • Strong Families 
    Nick Stinnett, Ph.D, carried out a study on 3,000 families that rated themselves very high in regards to marriage happiness and satisfaction in parent-child relationships.

  • Communion 
    The communion was initiated by Christ before his death (Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-23) and reiterated by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:23-28.

  • Getting the most out of your SPOUSE 
    There are others who are enduring marriage. God's purpose is for our homes and spouse to be a continuous source of love and encouragement. If you can remember how to spell SPOUSE you will find it easy to remember the six tips below.

15 Topics To Build Your Relationship.

Communication brings lovers together and makes it easy for them to build chemistry and love. The conversations you have with your significant other play a strong role in determining how happy, fun and strong your relationship will be.

No matter how difficult some topics may seem sometimes, discussing them will help ease a lot of tension and leave room for your relationship to grow. You’ll also find that you both understand each other better.It doesn’t matter whether you are in a new relationship or you’ve been married for years. These topics will not only help you get closer to your lover; it will also give you ideas on what to talk about when it feels like you are running out of topics. And you can always refine and repeat them as you and your partner will always have different answers each time they come up. This way, you’ll never run out of interesting conversations.

1. Plans for the weekend (or a vacation)

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a frustrating Monday evening or Thursday night. Talking about your plans for the weekend and you’ll both have something exciting to look forward to. It will also motivate you to work and get through the week with much enthusiasm. Planning way ahead of time for a vacation or that little getaway also gives you both things to discuss and deliberate on. So plan on!

2. Work

A simple “how did your day go” and an honest answer can lead to a conversation you will both cherish. And there is always something to talk about work. From a weird colleague to a bad boss to the tasks you have to complete, these conversations will help you both understand each other’s professional sides better.

3. Sex

Sexual intimacy is as important as romantic gestures. Talk about what turns you on, the positions or toys you’d like to try, your sexually sensitive spots, your secret fantasies and every other thing related to sex. This will both be exciting and revealing at the same time, and you’ll find yourselves discovering new things about each other. However, this also includes problems in bed. Speak up about them or they will eventually turn around and bite you in the back. If your partner is not performing as expected or your sex drive has reduced drastically, talk about it. Think of or suggest new ways of handling it together and you will be one step towards overcoming these issues.

4. Pay compliments

Tell your partner the things you like about them. Make a habit of appreciating their personality or little things they did the day before, even the ones they didn’t realise that they were doing. Appreciating people encourages them to do more.

5. Worries

What is bothering or worrying you? Simple question, right? But this is something that will make your partner feel loved and cared for. They may have no worries, but the thought that you care will make them cherish being in a relationship with you. Also talk about health issues, whether they are easy to mention.

6. Secrets

Talking about secrets is fun, telling but fun. You can turn it into a game where you each reveal a new dirty, little secret. It will help you get to know each other intimately.

7. Shows and Movies

Well, this always gives you something to talk about. New shows and movies come out every week. Watch one together and talk about it. Laugh at them for crying when Mufasa died while you watched Lion King again.

8. The future and the past

The past may not always be fun and exciting to talk about, but there will surely be hilarious moments to mention, like the times you did silly things as a child or your childhood dreams. You do not need to talk about painful memories like past relationships or go into sexual details. Talk about your plans for the future: the goals you have, your dreams, aspirations and life pursuits. Tell them what you intend to do. This will help the both of you understand each other’s views. Talk about where you see yourselves as a couple in five years. Make goals that will urge you both to work towards strengthening your relationship.

9. Places

Talk about your favourite restaurants, that bukka you just discovered in the next street, a dream location you stumbled across on the internet, places you’d like to visit over the weekend or on special days, or a cool spot you could both sit silently or make out in. It will give you both the chance to explore these places together.

10. Personal interests

What do you truly enjoy doing? Share these thoughts with your partner and see which interests conflict and which ones complement one another. When these interests complement each other, try doing them together as it will bring you closer.

11. Family and friends

Knowing (about) your partner’s friends takes you a step closer to learning more about them. Also, talking about each other’s families provides you with hours and hours of interesting gist. You may have to consciously stop yourselves. This also makes first introductions to family and friends easier and more fun.

12. Opinions and preferences

Never hold your thoughts back from someone you love. Speak up and state your personal opinions. Talk about each other’s likes and dislikes. Preferences and opinions change with time and new information. The more you know about each other’s preferences, the better you know about them.

13. Improvement

Talk about your flaws and the ways you’d like to improve. Releasing your vulnerabilities freely will help your partner relax more around you and they will break down their own walls and talk about theirs too. Offer and receive advice and suggestions on ways you can both improve yourselves.

14. Offer to help

Offer to help your partner with something, regardless of whether it is an easy chore or a hard one. Working together on a task brings you closer together. Plus they will be glad you helped. Talk about ways you can help them around the house with chores and housework.

15. Proud moments

Ask your partner to tell you about the moments in life when they’ve felt really proud of their own achievements. Memorable moments and childhood memories always provide for hours of fun, hilarious conversations.


Relationship Seminar

Living DESIGN in a

Finally, a Christian relationship seminar that speaks to the every day struggles of living in a world seduced with an overemphasis on the bedroom and the body

Bring this Christian relationship seminar to your church and help your people celebrate the value found in being wanted for a lifetime of nights and not just a night of a lifetime.

Marriage and Family Life Values

Marriage and family life values have taken a hit over the last several decades. The voice of culture distorts, discredits, and distances itself from the idea and place of marriage and family life, especially in the role it plays in our sexuality.

The voice of culture:

  • Promises passion but has no passion for promise
  • Makes relationships more about HEAT than HEART
  • Makes sex, love and relationships more about how much LEG-I-SEE than about LEG-A-CY
  • Is filling our world with DESIRE but leaving it empty of DESIGN

This Christian relationship seminar challenges that voice of culture in creative ways by clearly showing why it is better to be wanted for a lifetime of nights and not just a night of a lifetime.

Does your church schedule retreats, seminars or conferences for high school or college age students? Does your church regularly host events for singles or married couples that speak to both men and women?

If so, you are encouraged to give this Christian relationship seminar a try.

Love, genuinely and authentically expressed, is enormously powerful. It can connect us profoundly and intimately. Relating—and the quality of our relationships—is of deep, natural, and inherent concern for all of us and like any human endeavor, takes attention, care, and commitment.

In The Relationships Seminar, you’ll step beyond what you can strategize or figure out. You’ll discover a possibility of being related independent of your past, your expectations, your preferences, or your views—a dimension more powerful than personality or circumstance—a dimension where relationships can become an occasion for creativity, vitality, intimacy, and self-expression...



When you have a bright and compelling future relationship vision, your relationship will not just survive, rather it will thrive.


Love and Relationship. 
In this seminar we’ll share with you the secrets of attraction and selection including the chemistry of love. If you are single, or in a relationship understanding the secrets of successful couples will help you move toward true relationship fulfilment. Furthermore, we’ll share tools to identify those subtle and deceptive road blocks that may be holding you back and help you to heal past hurts.

If you are not in a relationship…
Do you want to know how to attract the perfect person into my life?
Do you want to know how to heal past relationship hurt?
Do you want to know when to listen to your head and when to listen to your heart?
Do you want to know how to deal with your fear of rejection or fear of intimacy?
Do you want to know how to stop pushing people away?
Do you want to build rapport with others faster?
Do you want more confidence for the dating world?
How can you establish a deep relationship in such a shallow dating marketplace?

If you are in a relationship…
Do you want to be in or keep your relationship or marriage moving forward?
Have you asked yourself, “We’re healed (or almost healed), but now what?
Is your relationship OK, but you’d like it to be better?
Could your sex life be better?
Is there a need for greater freedom to really be yourself?
Would you like more romance, adventure and fun?
Do you want to make your relationship more enjoyable? Fulfilling? Exciting?
Have you lost control of your time?
Do you feel second to _____________ in your spouse’s life?
Do you want to be sure you have an affair proof relationship?

If you answered yes, to 2 or more of the above questions then AccessWorld seminars can help you by providing coaching, mentoring and seminars that address these things and more.

Everyone needs to be proactive about making their relationship stronger, before the pressures of daily life and misunderstandings slowly creep in and steal away the love, connection, closeness, warmth, respect, romance and excitement you once had. If you are single these tools can be applied in the dating and courting stages, to secure a strong foundation on which to build.

Through the seminars and workshops you will receive information on- 
• Traditional model of change vs the accelerated NLP model of change.
• How to shift and improve your identity using NLP.
• Using elevated emotional states to transform your relationship.
• How to create a Relationship Vision.
• The three resistors that will inhibit love and passion.
• Creating positive relationship anchors.
• The three components of consummate love.
• The 6 types of intimate personal relationships.
• The 5 levels of deep communication. 
• Creating Focus on love language needs.
• The 3 needs of the masculine and 3 needs of the Feminine.
• Generating more laughter and fun. 
• More real stuff, like tools to make your sex life what you want it to be
• Conflict Management & Problem-Solving Skills
• About overcoming anger, resentment, & emotional abuse
• Forgiveness and the healing power of gratitude – where are you at?
• Physical healing and health.
• How to create an affair proof marriage
• And much more!

Seminars are packed with in deep content, practical tools to improve relationships, plus surprises and a learning experience you’ll never forget.
we guarantee it.
Come and participate fully in all sessions, and if at the conclusion of the weekend, you do not feel these concepts will improve your marriage/relationship or help you to decided what type of relationship that you want to create in the future, we will gladly refund your money.

Love is not a good idea, it is a need.  Everyone wants love, yet most people settle for connection. 

When you attend the seminar, you will discover more about yourself.  You will discover what controls and shapes your behaviour, values, beliefs, and how to change it.  You will discover the pathways of change and what is needed to make real and lasting change. 

When you apply this to your relationship, your unconscious mind and your conscious mind can be in complete harmony or congruence.  Get better results in your relationships through neurological re-patterning

Interview/Seminar Topics:

  • Waiting Too Long? Dealing with Anger with God
  • Doing All the Right Things but Still Single? Why?
  • Why Do You Keep Attracting the Wrong Person?
  • A Father’s Love and How It Affects Your Relationships
  • Healing Relationship Wounds
  • Feeling like a Holiday Outcast? How To Cope
  • What I’ve Learned About Singles from Married Couples
  • How to Know If He or She is THE ONE
  • What Women Need to Know About Men
  • Emotional Dating and Setting Boundaries
  • Self-Worth v. Self-Worship
  • Why If You Aren’t Content Being Single, You Won’t Be Content Married
  • Sex Before Marriage and How it Affects Your Marriage
  • Overcoming the Fear or Shame of Being Single

SINGLES SEMINAR TOPICS (not dating, dating, engaged, never married, divorcees,
& single parents):

  • I Can Be Single, Complete, & Content – Really?
  • When God Isn’t Enough
  • Healing A Broken Heart
  • “I’ve Been Lonely Too Long”
  • Relationships with the Opposite Sex That Work: Friendships
  • Singles’ Issues & Thoughts
  • God Is Really Into Sex!
  • Taking Some of the BLuR Out of Dating
  • Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right (for singles)
  • Cultivating a Dating or Marriage Relationship That Lasts
  • What the Church Can Do for Singles (Never Married & Divorcees)
  • Communicating with God
  • Communicating with Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Five Love Languages)
  • Forgiveness & Letting Go (includes Five Languages of Apology)
  • Correctly Handling Conflict Increases Closeness in Relationships
  • The Kiss of Death—the Secret Sin of Pornography
  • Affair-Proofing Your Marriage
  • Why God Hates Divorce (God Does Not Hate Divorced People)

Monday, October 5, 2020


10 Longest Bridges in the World

On May 27, 1937, 200,000 people gathered in the streets of San Francisco to celebrate the grand opening of the Golden Gate Bridge, a milestone achievement in engineering at the time and one of the world’s modern wonders. At over 4,000 feet long, the Golden Gate Bridge today does not even register on any list of longest bridges in the world. Below is the list of Top 10 longest bridges in the world today. As you read it, ponder carefully the future as well as the past. Behold!

10. Manchac Swamp Bridge (120,000 ft).Located in the great state of Louisiana, this bridge was completed in 1979 and is claimed by some to be the longest toll-free bridge in the world. It’s part of Interstate Highway 55, so it’s road-based, and the coolest (or scariest) part is that most of it goes over water. The piles of the bridge go as deep as 275 feet in some parts!

9. Wuhan Metro Bridge (124,000 ft). The Wuhan Metro Bridge links the massive Chinese city of Wuhan (10.6 million) together. Wuhan, located in the populous Hubei province, was only the fifth city in China to have a metro rail line built. The bridge was built in 2009 (the initial line, Line 1, was completed in 2004) and, because of Wuhan’s location along the Yangtze and Han rivers, spans over massive amounts of water. Wuhan is a major transportation hub in China and was the wartime capital of the country during the Japanese invasion.

8. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway (126,000 ft). The Causeway was completed in 1969 and held the world record for the longest bridge over water until 2011, when the Jiaozhao Bridge, in China, was built. The Causeway connects Metairie, an immediate suburb of New Orleans to Mandeville, in what is commonly referred to as the North Shore. It is the the last American bridge on this list.

7. Beijing Grand Bridge (158,000 ft). The capital city of China’s Grand Bridge is part of the massive, sprawling Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway project, was completed in 2010. Despite only serving the city of Beijing and its suburbs, the Beijing Grand Bridge still manages to make the Top 10 list here.

6. Bang Na Expressway (177,000 ft). The longest roadway in the world today, the Thai bridge was the world’s longest from the time of its completion, in 2000, until 2004, when it was replaced by the Changhua-Kaohsiung Viaduct in Taiwan. Bang Na (officially the Burapha Withi Expressway) connects Bangkok as a toll road and was built by a consortium of Thai, German, American, and Swedish interests and is the last roadway on this list.

5. Weinan Weihe Grand Bridge (261,000 ft).This massive bridge manages to cross the Wei River twice, and is part of the Zhengzhou-Xi’an High-Speed Railway megaplex. The bridge was completed in 2008, and it held the title of longest bridge in the world before being surpassed by a couple of other bridges (both part of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway project) in 2010.

4. Tianjin Grand Bridge (373,000 ft). One of the aforementioned bridges completed in 2010 was the Tianjin Grand Bridge, which officially opened in 2011. Tianjin, the fourth largest city in China, is located along the coast and in between Beijing and Shanghai. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the name in the future, for it is a world-class city with a marvelous future ahead.

3. Cangde Grand Bridge (380,000 ft).Another bridge that is part of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway project, it too was completed in 2010. The bridge has almost 3,100 piers and was built to be earthquake proof. Cangde competes with Tianjin for the third spot on most lists, thanks to small maintenance and construction projects that both bridges continue to receive.

2. Changhua-Kaohsiung Viaduct (516,000 ft). Built in 2004, Taiwan’s Changhua-Kaohshing Viaduct was the world’s longest bridge until 2010 and is one of the rebellious polity’s finest achievements of any kind. A high-speed rail line, this bridge is part of the Taiwan High Speed Rail network that runs up and down the west coast of the island. The entire line (including the bridge) was built by Taiwanese engineers with Japanese technology.

1. Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge (540,000 ft). Built in 2010, this bridge is part of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway project that has been such a prominent part of this list. The Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge operates between Shanghai, the financial capital of China, and Nanjing, a neighboring city with a metro area lording over 30 million souls. The two cities reside in the Yangtze River Delta, one of the cradles of civilization (archaeologists are quick to point out that China had two cradles of civilization: one on the Yellow River and one on the Yangtze River). The Delta itself is home to about 140 million people, and is China’s economic engine of growth, productivity, and creativity. The engineering feat of the Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge provides seeable proof of the Delta’s contributions to humanity.

Further thoughts

The big issue that stands out here is China, China, China. Six out of the 10 longest bridges in the world are in China now, and that number seems likely to rise given that two of the 10 longest bridges are ranked eighth and 10th, respectively. This is a major change in human history over the past 500 years. The shift from West to East can be viewed, it seems, through the lens of bridges built. The hard, visual proof of China surpassing of the West’s alpha polity, the United States, via bridge-building can easily stir up anxiousness within the hearts and minds of Westerners long accustomed to being No. 1.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Beautiful God

Have been searching searching
All over the world..
No one else to found
No one else but you..
You are strong and mighty
Who create all universe....
The son of ages
Still shinning like a star (yeah)
You are the first and last
No one compare with you
No one can be like you..

You are beautiful God
Beautiful king
You are beautiful God..
What you made is great...
You are marvelous God
Glorious God,reliable God
That's who you are....

Solo 2 (Praise Bassey)
I've search all over......
Any one like you..
My soul desire....
Couldn't see any one like you..
You are so beautiful..
You are so wonderful
I will lift your name on high.(heeeyy)
You are beautiful
You are so beautiful....
You are so wonderful...
I'll lift your name on high....
Yeeaahhh (you are 3ce)


Bridge [call & response]
Call - Reliable God
Resp- reliable
Call- unchangeable God
Resp- Unchangeable
Call- invisible God
Resp- invisible
Call- that's who you are
Resp- that's who you are......
Call - unstoppable God
Resp- you are unstoppable
Call- unshakable God...
Resp- unshakeable...
Call - dependable God
Resp- dependable..
All - that's who you are......

You made the sea and sky
Resp- they are beautiful
Call - you made the earth so wide
Resp- so beautiful
Call- you made the day and night..
Resp - they are beautiful
Call - you made the dark and light
Resp- so beautiful
Vocal- you made me on earth.. (ahhh)
To lift your name on high...

Back to chorus end

Friday, September 4, 2020


7 Leadership Qualities of Great Leaders

Here are the seven most identified qualities of great leaders and executives:

1. Vision

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” 

Great leaders have a vision… They can see into the future.

They have a clear, exciting idea of where they are going and what they are trying to accomplish and are excellent at strategic planning.

This quality separates them from managers. Having a clear vision turns the individual into a special type of person. This quality of vision changes a “transactional manager” into a “transformational leader.”

While a manager gets the job done, great leaders tap into the emotions of their employees.

2. Courage

Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it, all others depend.”Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are

One of the more important qualities of a good leader is courage. Having the quality of courage means that you are willing to take risks in the achievement of your goals with no assurance of success. Because there is no certainty in life or business, every commitment you make and every action you take entails a risk of some kind.

Among the seven leadership qualities, courage is the most identifiable outward trait.

3. Integrity

“With integrity, you have nothing to fear, since you have nothing to hide. With integrity, you will do the right thing, so you will have no guilt.” 

In every strategic planning session that I have conducted for large and small corporations, the first value that all the gathered executives agree upon for their company is integrity. They all agree on the importance of complete honesty in everything they do, both internally and externally.

The core of integrity is truthfulness.

Integrity requires that you always tell the truth, to all people, in every situation. Truthfulness is the foundation quality of the trust that is necessary for the success of any business.

4. Humility

“The more you can contain your ego, the more realistic you are about your problems. You learn how to listen, and admit that you don’t know all the answers. You exhibit the attitude that you can learn from anyone at any time. Your pride doesn’t get in the way of gathering the information you need to achieve the best results. It doesn’t keep you from sharing the credit that needs to be shared. Humility allows you to acknowledge your mistakes.”

Great leaders are those who are strong and decisive but also humble.

Humility doesn’t mean that you’re weak or unsure of yourself. It means that you have the self-confidence and self-awareness to recognize the value of others without feeling threatened.

This is one of the rarer attributes – or traits – of good leaders because it requires containment of one’s ego.

It means that you are willing to admit you could be wrong, that you recognize you may not have all the answers. And it means that you give credit where credit is due – – which many people struggle to do.

5. Strategic Planning

“Strategy is not the consequence of planning, but the opposite: it’s the starting point.” 

Great leaders are outstanding at strategic planning. It’s another one of the more important leadership strengths. They have the ability to look ahead, to anticipate with some accuracy where the industry and the markets are going.

Leaders have the ability to anticipate trends, well in advance of their competitors. They continually ask, “Based on what is happening today, where is the market going? Where is it likely to be in three months, six months, one year, and two years?” They do this through thoughtful strategic planning.

Because of increasing competitiveness, only the leaders and organizations that can accurately anticipate future markets can possibly survive. Only leaders with foresight can gain the “first mover advantage.”

6. Focus

“Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them. –

Leaders always focus on the needs of the company and the situation. Leaders focus on results, on what must be achieved by themselves, by others, and by the company. Great leaders focus on strengths, in themselves and in others.

They focus on the strengths of the organization, on the things that the company does best in satisfying demanding customers in a competitive marketplace.

Your ability as a leader to call the shots and make sure that everyone is focused and concentrated on the most valuable use of their time is essential to the excellent performance of the enterprise.

7. Cooperation

“If your imagination leads you to understand how quickly people grant your requests when those requests appeal to their self-interest, you can have practically anything you go after.....

Your ability to get everyone working and pulling together is essential to your success. Leadership is the ability to get people to work for you because they want to....

Twenty percent of your people contribute 80 percent of your results.

Your ability to select these people and then to work well with them on a daily basis is essential to the smooth functioning of the organization.

Gain the cooperation of others by making a commitment to get along well with each key person every single day. You always have a choice when it comes to a task: You can do it yourself, or you can get someone else to do it for you. Which is it going to be?

Effective Leaders Are Also Strong Communicators

Another important trait that the best leaders strive to perfect is the ability to speak effectively and persuasively.

In fact, many tend to practice public speaking within their own businesses until they are ready to branch out into professional paid speaking gigs. Although talking in front of crowds is a top fear for the majority of us, conquering this fear is what makes a good leader become a great leader.

If you’re ready to overcome your fear of speaking and start leading more effectively, just take the first step and the rest will become history.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Mental & Physical Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument As A Gospel Artiste

Mental & Physical Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument

Overall Mental & Physical Benefits of Playing Instrument As A Gospel Artiste.

As a gospel music singer/minister, music is the main vehicle of conveying the message of the gospel and the benefits of playing a musical instrument can not be underestimated.

Music has created a huge impact on human history and the world we live in. With that, our beloved instruments have cultivated this art and continue to bring life to the sounds of today.

Each instrument has the power to contribute substantially to society and the individuals that play them. Whether they are brass, percussion, wind, string, bow, or plucked, all are of equal importance.

Did you know that playing instruments are even beneficial for your mental health and well-being as a gospel artiste?

Here Are A few Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument:

Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument As A Gospel Artiste1. Instruments serve as great stress-relievers! The sounds that you hear can soothe and calm your mind. Playing instruments also helps in uplifting your mood and in releasing negative energy! Violins are a great example of this, the soft melodies coming from the sound of a violin can help you focus and boost your energy.

2. Playing instruments aids in boosting your self-esteem and confidence! Since you will most likely be performing and ministering in front of groups of people or a large audience, you will learn to be more comfortable in your own skin.

3. Instruments are an amazing way to bond with people! You will be involved in communities where musicians, gospel ministers mingle, perform and pray with one another. It presents such a great opportunity to meet and collaborate with creatives and anointed ministers.

Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument4. Instruments can also be played in the comfort of your home. If you are looking to unwind and keep your spirits up after a long day at work or fellowship, jamming to instruments is an awesome way to do so!

5. You become brighter and analytical!Playing instruments requires reading and processing skills which in turn improves your memory. It practices your ability to analyze abstract concepts and encourages creativity.

6. Instruments also aid in improving your physicality. More than muscle memory, playing instruments exercises your body as well. It often requires a lot of upper body strength and finger movement thus strengthening your physicality.

7. It enforces self-discipline! It teaches an individual to habitually improve on oneself. Moreover, it instils the mentality that hard work is a prerequisite to success or achieving one’s goals.

8. Lastly, Understanding and playing a musical instrument helps you as a minister to navigate realms of the spirit and bringing down the presence of God as you minister and lead your audience in praise, worship and prayer.

Benefits of Playing A Musical Instrument To Worship

In lieu of the Benefits of Playing An Instrument, it is definitely worth considering. If you are already an avid instrument lover, these reasons should keep you going on your wonderful journey as a musician and an artist/minister.

Not only does playing instruments improve your mental health, but it is also a fantastic way to improve your physicality and social skills. Your experience as a musician is bound to be rewarding and unlike any other.

Best of luck as you embark on your journey!


GOD IN NOT DEAF by - Olajuwon Adeshola


Ade tells himself, “God is deaf! I just completed a 21-days prayer and fasting. I have also waited for one month for the answer to my prayers. It still did not come through.”  Ade then decides to embark on a 42-day prayer and fasting since God didn’t hear him during the 21days so he thought that maybe if he doubles it, God will hear!

Have you ever been in Mr. Ade’s shoes? Have you ever been praying and fasting and practicing all the kingdom activities but yet it seems as though God is deaf? But does He actually hear?

When we call God “Omnipresent”- it means He is everywhere at all times.

When we call God “Omnipotent”– it means He has all the power both in Heaven and Earth.

When we call God “Omniscience”– it means He knows all things.

To think of it, how would a person who created the whole world not be Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscience?  Many times, people do not take time out to think about this God. We just imagine that if we press one or two spiritual buttons then we are sure to get what we want.

Jeremiah 1:5- “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee…” What does it means to know? God knew you before He even formedyou. That’s why He knows everything about you- right from the beginning of your life to the end. God deals with everyone individually.Someone might say that a person gave a testimony of how he prayed and fasted for a job for 70days and got it, so I would do the same. Have you ever considered that the way God designed that person’s life is different from the way He designed yours?

Mathew 6:7- “And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions like the pagans for they think they will be heard because of their many words”. The Bible urges us to walk by faith and not by sight. As long as you are walking in the fear and love of God, then all things are working for your good. You do not need to keep repeating a particular prayer point for days, months and years. God heard you the first time you told Him. If He wanted to do it there and then, He would have done it. Be patient and submit to His time and purposefor your life..

God is not deaf that He cannot hear your prayers. He knows you and sees ahead of you. If what you are asking for is not yet in His agenda for the time being, then you may not receive it. He created the ears, so He cannotbe deaf. That thing you continually pray about would be delivered at the right time. “For the vision is for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie; though it tarries, wait for it because it will surely come…”- Habakkuk 2:3.

When the time comes for your deliverance, it will happen!

When the time comes for your miracle job, it will happen!

When the time comes for your marriage, it will happen!

When the time comes for whatever you are asking for, it will surely happen!

Take your requests to God and hold your peace, He will cause all things to work together for your good. Just take a quick look back at your life. Have you ever been chasing a particular thing for so long that when you finally get it, you realize that if you had gotten it much earlier, it would not have been advantageous?

God loves you. Believe that! God hears you. Believe that! Trust Him to take care of you. He did not love you because of anything you did. So take a deep breath, calm down, believe and relax in that assurance.

God bless you!   

Live no man's life